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최근 유럽 계약소식(아일랜드&덴마크)

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게시글 정보

조회 4,747 2024/12/13 17:56

게시글 내용

최근 유럽 계약소식(아일랜드&덴마크)

유럽에서 잘나가는 셀트리온!!!

■ 12/13일자 아일랜드 계약 소식

유럽연합의 온라인 조달관보인 TED(Tenders Electronic Daily)에서 12/13일자 아일랜드 계약 낙찰 공고가 확인되네요

□ 764120-2024 - Result (아일랜드)

계약일자는 11월28일, 약품명은Infliximab(Remsima)로 확인되며, 금액은 22억 정도 되는것으로 확인됩니다 자세한 내용은 아래 참고하세요
□ Winner- Official name: Celltrion Healthcare Limited
□ Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0001
□ Date of the conclusion of the contract: 28/11/2024
□ Value of all contracts awarded in this notice: 
1 502 740,00 EUR

■ 12/11일자 덴마크 계약 소식

유럽연합의 온라인 조달관보인 TED(Tenders Electronic Daily)
에서 12/11일자 덴마크 계약 낙찰 공고가 1건(8Lots) 확인되네요

□ 757169-2024 - 결과 (덴마크)

약품명은 램시마, 유플라이마, 스테키마등으로 추정되며, 낙찰건은 8Lots로 확인됩니다단 입찰 우승자는 여러업체로 구성되어 있습니다. 계약일자는 12/10일이며 자세한 내용은 아래내용을 참고하세요.
지난10월 계약소식보다 규모가 커보입니다

셀트리온이 유럽에서 잘 하고 있네요!

□ LOT-0005 - 램시마
Rank in the list of winners: 1

Winner: Official name: Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApSTender: Tender identifier: Tilbudsnummer 42514Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0005Value of the tender: 1 097 387,00 DKKThe tender was ranked: yesRank in the list of winners: 1Contract information: Identifier of the contract: Udbudsnummer 5 - Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApS - Tilbudsnummer 42514Date of the conclusion of the contract: 10/12/2024

□ LOT-0007 - 유플라이마
Rank in the list of winners: 2

Official name: Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApSTender: Tender identifier: Tilbudsnummer 42515Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0007The tender was ranked: yesRank in the list of winners: 2Contract information: Identifier of the contract: Udbudsnummer 7 - Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApS - Tilbudsnummer 42515Date of the conclusion of the contract: 10/12/2024

□ LOT-0008 - 유플라이마
Rank in the list of winners: 1

Winner: Official name: Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApSTender: Tender identifier: Tilbudsnummer 42516Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0008Value of the tender: 1 979 933,00 DKKThe tender was ranked: yesRank in the list of winners: 1Contract information: Identifier of the contract: Udbudsnummer 8 - Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApS - Tilbudsnummer 42516Date of the conclusion of the contract: 10/12/2024

□ LOT-0010 - 스테키마
Rank in the list of winners: 2

Official name: Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApSTender: Tender identifier: Tilbudsnummer 42519
Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0010The tender was ranked: yesRank in the list of winners: 2Contract information: Identifier of the contract: Udbudsnummer 10 - Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApS - Tilbudsnummer 42519Date of the conclusion of the contract: 10/12/2024

□ LOT-0011- 스테키마
Rank in the list of winners: 1

Winner: Official name: Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApSTender: Tender identifier: Tilbudsnummer 42518Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0011Value of the tender: 556 765 738,00 DKKThe tender was ranked: yesRank in the list of winners: 1Contract information: Identifier of the contract: Udbudsnummer 11 - Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApS - Tilbudsnummer 42518Date of the conclusion of the contract: 10/12/2024

□ LOT-0012 - 스테키마
Rank in the list of winners: 1

Winner: Official name: Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApSTender: Tender identifier: Tilbudsnummer 42517Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0012Value of the tender: 198 142 067,00 DKKThe tender was ranked: yesRank in the list of winners: 1Contract information: Identifier of the contract: Udbudsnummer 12 - Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApS - Tilbudsnummer 42517Date of the conclusion of the contract: 10/12/2024

□ LOT-0013
Rank in the list of winners: 2

Winner: Official name: Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApSTender: Tender identifier: Tilbudsnummer 42520Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0013The tender was ranked: yesRank in the list of winners: 2Contract information: Identifier of the contract: Udbudsnummer 13 - Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApS - Tilbudsnummer 42520Date of the conclusion of the contract: 10/12/2024

□ LOT-0014
Rank in the list of winners: 2

Winner: Official name: Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApSTender: Tender identifier: Tilbudsnummer 42521Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0014The tender was ranked: yesRank in the list of winners: 2Contract information: Identifier of the contract: Udbudsnummer 14 - Celltrion Healthcare Denmark ApS - Tilbudsnummer 42521Date of the conclusion of the contract: 10/12/2024

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