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CASP RNS [2019.12.10)

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게시글 정보

조회 1,634 2019/12/10 16:40

게시글 내용

BNG Operational update & November Production Numbers  


The Board of Caspian Sunrise is pleased to provide an operational update from the Company's flagship BNG Contract Area, together with November 2019 production numbers.

Deep Wells


Deep Well A5

As previously announced the side-track from a depth of 3,796 meters successfully reached a depth of 4,044 meters without incident, which has become the well's new Total Depth.

Since then cementing has been successfully completed and the well extensively cleaned to allow the perforation of an interval of 40 meters from the already identified 64 meters of prime interest.

The well is undergoing final cleaning and logging before the penetration, which if successful would be followed by a 90 day flow test.

Deep Well A8

Following acid treatment the well flowed for approximately seven hours, producing at the rate of approximately 1,500 bopd. The flow ended with the well becoming blocked with excess drilling fluid originally introduced during the drilling phase.

This is the first occasion the well has flowed meaningful quantities of oil.

Cleaning work is being undertaken in preparation for further acid treatments.

Deep Well 801

The acid treatment will start at Deep Well 801 following completion of work at Deep Well A8.

Deep Well A6

The acid treatment at Deep Well A6 will commence after completion of work at Deep Well 801.

Shallow wells

The November 2019 production figures below provide further evidence that the existing wells on the MJF structure continue to perform strongly and provide the bulk of the oil produced across the Contract Area.

The first of the planned 18 in fill wells at the MJF structure is now expected to spud in the next fortnight.

The delays in spudding resulted from the need to obtain specialist spare parts for equipment required to move the drilling rigs into position.

We now plan to use three rigs to complete the 18 well infill programme and are therefore still working towards completing the full programme by the end of 2020, at which time we would have 24 wells on the MJF structure potentially producing up to 8,000 bopd, assuming each well produces as anticipated.

November 2019 production figures

The total number of barrels produced in November 2019, was 41,682 (October 2019, 43,415) at a daily rate of 1,389 bopd (October 2019, 1,401 bopd).

All the oil produced was from shallow structures, with 87% from the MJF structure and 13% from South Yelemes.

In November 2019, 58% of oil sold was at export prices and 42% at domestic prices (October 2019, 50% & 50%).

The export price achieved in November 2019, before adjustment for subsequent minor variations, was $55 per barrel (October 2019, $55.5 per barrel) and the domestic price was $19 per barrel (October 2019, $19.5 per barrel).

The slight decrease in November 2019, production numbers reflects one less day in the month compared to October, but more importantly that Well 144 was out of production for 7 days during the month while it was being worked over. The result of the workover being an increase in daily production from 141 bopd to 184 bopd, an increase of 30%.

We plan to workover existing MJF wells on a regular basis and to that end a workover rig currently in use assessing Well 808, on a potential but to date inconclusive new shallow structure, is to be moved to the MJF structure to assist in the process.


Clive Carver, Executive Chairman said

"Exciting times"

오늘 나온 업데이트는 개인적으로 나빠 보이지 않습니다. 마지막 카버의 코멘트 두 단어가 모든 걸 얘기해주고 있는 것 같습니다. "Exciting times"

대뉴 주주님들, 성투 하시기 바랍니다. -whitetower-

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