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9월엔 딥웰 하나가 성공하길 바라며.게시글 내용
Casp가 9월 상업판매로 받은 돈중 상당한 금액을 mjf에 재투자해 생산량을 늘리게 됩니다.
Mjf에만 총 10개의 샬로우 웰을 뚫을 계획이고 이중 기존 3개의 유정은 생산량 증대 작업을 진행하게 됩니다.
이렇게 되면 유정당 500bopd 정도는 생산이 가능하고
열개 모두가 가동하게 된다면 토탈 5000bopd 이상 생산해내지 않을까 싶네요.
제가 예전에 mjf 상업생산시 대뉴 몫이 얼마나 되나 글 올린적이 있는데 아래 글 참고하시길..
MJF structure
To date the MJF structure is the best performing of the three potential shallow structures identified at BNG and from which has the capacity to producing at the rate in aggregate of some 1,130 bopd from 3 wells including more than 600 bopd from the initial Well 143.
Well 143 was drilled in 2013 to a depth of 2,750 meters to explore a potential new structure. After delays to clear the well of excess drilling fluid, we tested the well at 5 separate intervals, with the result the well is currently producing at the rate of 610 bopd using an 8 mm choke.
Wells 141 and 142 were subsequently drilled to depths of 2,500 meters to assess the extent of the MJF structure. The results of work to date has confirmed that the extent of the structure to be at least 10km(2) .
In May 2017, we announced the spudding of Well 144, with a planned Total Depth of 2,500 meters targeting the same Jurassic Callovian sands at a depth of 2,200 meters.
We are pleased to report the well was drilled to total depth without incident. Four intervals have been perforated for flow testing. The first interval tested is flowing at the rate of some 1,000 bopd using an 8mm choke. Our plan is to proceed with a long-term testing to evaluate the well potential.
Well 144 is located some 0.89 km from well 141 and some 2 km from well 143, which is believed to be near the centre of the MJF structure. Success at Well 144 significantly extends the size and value of the MJF structure beyond the 10km2 previously assessed.
2,130배럴/day×59.6불(브렌트유가)×0.8(2018년 라이센스 갱신)×1,148윈(환율)×365일×0.136(대뉴지분)
=5,787,480,104원/년(사우스 엘레메스는 계산에서 제외)
Mjf에만 총 10개의 샬로우 웰을 뚫을 계획이고 이중 기존 3개의 유정은 생산량 증대 작업을 진행하게 됩니다.
이렇게 되면 유정당 500bopd 정도는 생산이 가능하고
열개 모두가 가동하게 된다면 토탈 5000bopd 이상 생산해내지 않을까 싶네요.
제가 예전에 mjf 상업생산시 대뉴 몫이 얼마나 되나 글 올린적이 있는데 아래 글 참고하시길..
MJF structure
To date the MJF structure is the best performing of the three potential shallow structures identified at BNG and from which has the capacity to producing at the rate in aggregate of some 1,130 bopd from 3 wells including more than 600 bopd from the initial Well 143.
Well 143 was drilled in 2013 to a depth of 2,750 meters to explore a potential new structure. After delays to clear the well of excess drilling fluid, we tested the well at 5 separate intervals, with the result the well is currently producing at the rate of 610 bopd using an 8 mm choke.
Wells 141 and 142 were subsequently drilled to depths of 2,500 meters to assess the extent of the MJF structure. The results of work to date has confirmed that the extent of the structure to be at least 10km(2) .
In May 2017, we announced the spudding of Well 144, with a planned Total Depth of 2,500 meters targeting the same Jurassic Callovian sands at a depth of 2,200 meters.
We are pleased to report the well was drilled to total depth without incident. Four intervals have been perforated for flow testing. The first interval tested is flowing at the rate of some 1,000 bopd using an 8mm choke. Our plan is to proceed with a long-term testing to evaluate the well potential.
Well 144 is located some 0.89 km from well 141 and some 2 km from well 143, which is believed to be near the centre of the MJF structure. Success at Well 144 significantly extends the size and value of the MJF structure beyond the 10km2 previously assessed.
2,130배럴/day×59.6불(브렌트유가)×0.8(2018년 라이센스 갱신)×1,148윈(환율)×365일×0.136(대뉴지분)
=5,787,480,104원/년(사우스 엘레메스는 계산에서 제외)
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