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게시글 정보

조회 1,635 2019/06/21 22:38

게시글 내용

아직까지 올라온 글 중 특변한건 없네요.
CASP도 대뉴마냥 주총 참석하는 주주가 별로 없나봅니다

Very good AGM, no great promises just a sense that their time is nearly here. Most interesting comment was on A8 which they reckoned that commercially the could not bother with the Devonian and be producing from in short order. They are still looking to drill to 5,300m but they already see it as being a huge win re the 159m of oil but that the Devonian could be even bigger as it opens up a whole new horizon. So we have in A8 a huge win or a bigger one maybe? A very nice place to be and it explains why they were feeling so confident. MJF money likely to flow in Q3 but once it’s in they will start the workovers so it will take a few months before it has the big impact. More later.

They could stop drilling on A8 and believe it could be in production very very quickly. It has 52m of prime oil bearing core set within a total oil depth of 159m. They are however going to drill down to the Devonian at 5,300m because if it comes in it could open up a second huge deep set of targets. Hence the Caspian has a big win but if the Devonian comes in it could be as big or bigger. Best bit of the whole meeting.

The other reason to go for the Devonian now is if they wanted another crack at it then it’s $10m whereas that extra 700m is only going to cost them say $2m. Clive suggested that a reasonable metric for weekly drilling including down time was 100m a week. No guarantees but he said it was of that order. If there was oil in the Devonian, and they don’t know yet, then they would test it then cement it followed by testing the 52m zone. Interesting times. Oh and the oil handling situation looks very interesting in a good way.

Clive pretty much spells it out here in simple English. 'The impact of its ultimate award on the economics on the Group, with the ability to fund new wells and to workover others, is expected to make a significant difference to the profitability of the Group and the pace at which our assets can be further developed .' That's an income in excess of $50mil. Much more if the work-overs increase the flow rates back to 2017 levels.
The market was wrong at 5p and it's wrong today.

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