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May production numbers
Production from our shallow wells for May 2019, was in aggregate 42,434 or 1,396 bopd (April 2019, 44,115 barrels or 1,471 bopd), with oil sold at an average price of $19.00 per barrel (April $19.00 per barrel).
Compared to April 2019, average daily production fell as the production from overworked wells declined at a faster rate than previously experienced.
May production numbers
Production from our shallow wells for May 2019, was in aggregate 42,434 or 1,396 bopd (April 2019, 44,115 barrels or 1,471 bopd), with oil sold at an average price of $19.00 per barrel (April $19.00 per barrel).
Compared to April 2019, average daily production fell as the production from overworked wells declined at a faster rate than previously experienced.
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