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게시글 제목

CASP RNS - 2019. 6.7

작성자 정보


게시글 정보

조회 1,321 2019/06/07 15:18

게시글 내용


With the top of the oil-bearing interval at a depth of 4,346 meters and the bottom of the most recent core sample at a depth of 4,456 meters the oil-bearing interval now extends to 110 meters.

We plan to resume drilling for an additional 40 meters before conducting a full wireline analysis over the whole 110 meter oil-bearing interval before casing the well to a depth of 4,500 meters.

Our seismic information indicates there are potential further intervals of interest. We hope to encounter the next at around a depth below 4,500 meters.

We continue to expect reaching the planned total depth of 5,300 meters before the end of Q3 2019.

Clive Carver, Executive Chairman commented.

"We are clearly very pleased with the results from Deep Well A8. We now know that the potential oil-bearing interval extends to 110 meters, which is consistent with our expectations and the corresponds to the interval previously identified at Deep Well A5.

We continue to believe that this interval extends across the full 58km2 of the Airsghagyl structure.

The correlation between our 3D seismic information and what we have to date encountered in drilling Deep Well A8, increases our level of confidence of finding other significant intervals."

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대뉴 주주님들, 주말 잘 보내세요..-whitetower-

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