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A5 90일 플테 지난 주말에 시작.게시글 내용
Deep Well A5
Caspian Sunrise is pleased to announce that the independent 90-day flow test at Deep Well A5 commenced over the weekend.
We plan to make regular updates announcements as the test progresses.
Clive Carver, Executive Chairman, Caspian Sunrise comments
"We look forward to providing the market with periodic updates from the independent assessment now started at Deep Well A5"
Caspian Sunrise is pleased to announce that the independent 90-day flow test at Deep Well A5 commenced over the weekend.
We plan to make regular updates announcements as the test progresses.
Clive Carver, Executive Chairman, Caspian Sunrise comments
"We look forward to providing the market with periodic updates from the independent assessment now started at Deep Well A5"
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