게시글 내용
Correction: Shareholding update
The following statement has been amended in the "Shareholding Update" announcement released on 10 November at 7:00am under RNS 1048W.
"Following the planned share gifts, Baverstock will be interested in 240,943,848 Caspian Sunrise shares representing 14.43 per cent of the total issued share capital, of which 195,430,964 shares representing 11.70 per cent of the total will be beneficially owned by Dae Han New Pharma Limited."
Has been amended to:
"Following the planned share gifts, Baverstock will be interested in 240,943,848 Caspian Sunrise shares representing 14.43 per cent of the total issued share capital, of which 224,830,964 shares representing 13.47 per cent of the total will be beneficially owned by Dae Han New Pharma Limited."
All other information within the announcement remains unchanged. The full amended text appears below.
The following statement has been amended in the "Shareholding Update" announcement released on 10 November at 7:00am under RNS 1048W.
"Following the planned share gifts, Baverstock will be interested in 240,943,848 Caspian Sunrise shares representing 14.43 per cent of the total issued share capital, of which 195,430,964 shares representing 11.70 per cent of the total will be beneficially owned by Dae Han New Pharma Limited."
Has been amended to:
"Following the planned share gifts, Baverstock will be interested in 240,943,848 Caspian Sunrise shares representing 14.43 per cent of the total issued share capital, of which 224,830,964 shares representing 13.47 per cent of the total will be beneficially owned by Dae Han New Pharma Limited."
All other information within the announcement remains unchanged. The full amended text appears below.
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