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게시글 정보

조회 2,502 2017/03/08 13:44

게시글 내용

Extensive news in the next quarter. Management contend current valuation supported by current production so anything new would be a plus. Extensive news flow expected over next quarter being completion of merger with GM on 24th March, operation news on progress of shallow 808, possible news on review of shallow reserve based on drilling success earlier on in the year, and big news if any of the deep wells started to produce on a consistent basis "all of which should be in the next quarter". CC gave 3 reasons to follow RXP: 1 being fairly extensive news flow expected in the next quarter as per above both in terms of shallow and deep operational issues, 2 completion of merger resulting in c$200m MCAP make more of interest to wider audience in particular some institutional investors, 3 and main reason to follow RXP is potential for 1 of the 3 deep wells to "come in" which would be transformational and management hope to be able to announce 1 or more of those in the next quarter. Exiting times!

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