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게시글 정보

조회 290 2007/08/28 10:10

게시글 내용

Samsung Electronics to provide Mobile WIMAX commercialized service in 6 cities in the U.S. next year
2007년 08월 28일 09:58:39 / mykoreaone 기자

Samsung Electronics is going to launch a commercialized service of WiBro (Mobile WIMAX) in the United States on April 30 next year.

The company officially announced in the press conference held during Samsung 4G Forum at the Shilla Hotel in Seoul on August 27 that it would start the commercialized service of WiBro in 6 big cities by adding New York to 5 cities where infrastructure has been being built.

This is the first time that Samsung clarified the schedule of WiBro commercialized service in the States.

“We plan to conduct a trial service in these cities at the end of this year and start the initial commercialized service in major areas of each city on April 30 next year” said Won-pyo Hong, the advisor of the Network Strategy Marketing team. “The perfect Mobile WIMAX network will be built in these 6 cities by year’s end” added Mr. Hong.

He also stated that “Sprint Nextel plans to establish the Mobile WIMAX network that can support as many as 100 million people by the end of 2008, and the number of people will go up to 140 million and 170 million by the end of 2009 and 2010 respectively.”

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