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조회 500 2011/09/18 17:01

게시글 내용


Public Health Training Center

to be Established at Yale

Published: September 12, 2011 10:46am

New Haven, Conn. — A center to train the public health workforce in Connecticut and Rhode Island will be established at the Yale School of Public Health, thanks to a new $2.6 million federal grant. The center will focus on helping workers learn the best ways to address health disparities, including HIV/AIDS, in underserved communities. The grant will also create a satellite center located at the Brown University Public Health Program in Providence.

The two-state program will significantly augment existing public health workforce training and is expected to reach hundreds of practicing public health professionals in local and state governmental agencies, and community health organizations. Students and faculty from Yale, Southern Connecticut State University, the University of Connecticut, Brown and other academic institutions will be engaged in a broad-based effort to improve community health outcomes. Training will include teaching technological skills, environmental health and public health leadership.

The four-year grant was awarded in late August by the Health Resources and Services Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The training center will be able to draw on varied resources available at the Yale School of Public Health, including faculty expertise. "Building a strong public health workforce is a vital national priority," said Paul D. Cleary, dean of Yale School of Public Health. "We are extremely confident that the new training center will substantially improve the public health workforces in Connecticut and Rhode Island."

This round of federal grants supported 10 new Public Health Training Centers at accredited schools of public health and other public or non-profit institutions, bringing the total number of centers to 37 nationwide. By utilizing distance learning and online tutorials, the expanded national educational network is expected to provide training to approximately 500,000 public health and related health care practitioners.

Prior to receiving the grant, Yale participated in the public health training center that serves New England (based at Boston University) and collaborated with the University of Connecticut, Southern Connecticut State University and numerous other academic and practice-based partners to offer a basic public health training program.


명문제약 관계자는 "인간에서 HIV 감염 경로와 마찬가지로 인간화된 마우스 모델에 HIV를 감염시킨 후 여러 형태로 개발된 siRNA 전달체의 효능 평가와 독성 평가가 미국 예일대에서 진행될 예정"이라고 밝혔다.


이어 "올해 말 미국 예일대에서 T면역 세포에 선택적인 siRNA 전달체가 효능 평가와 독성 평가에서 긍정적인 평가가 나올 경우 에이즈 치료제 개발 사업의 우선 실시기업으로 지위를 얻게 되며 siRNA를 글로벌 신약으로 발전시킬 전략을 가지고 있다"고 덧붙였다.



 아랫글은 9월 7일자 기사네요! 투자를 아끼지 않고 한다는...ㅎㅎㅎ


HRSA awards $5.1 million to bolster HIV/AIDS training and technical assistance programs

Awards will expand technical assistance and further develop HIV workforce.

September 07, 2011

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) today announced awards of $5.1 million to provide training and technical assistance (TA) as part of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, which provides HIV-related services in the United States for those who do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources for coping with HIV disease.

These funds will support AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) by providing HIV clinical consultation services, expand HIV training into graduate medical education, pilot an HIV telehealth training initiative, and provide national TA in the areas of fiscal management, data, AIDS Drug Assistance Programs, medical home certification, and online TA resources for the Ryan White community.

“Initiatives like these build on a long history of providing top-notch training and technical assistance to Ryan White grantees,” said HRSA Administrator Mary Wakefield, Ph.D., R.N. “These investments expand access to state-of-the-art care and ensure treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS.”


* 참고로 HRSA는 '보건자원및서비스국' Health Resources and Services Administration 입니다. 

   우리나라 보건복지부 정도...?? ㅎㅎㅎ




정말 엄청납니다.

220조원 신약-바이오장기 시장을 휩쓸 획기적인 연구개발이  명문제약에서 진행중입니다

자궁경부암 상용화 임박에 이어서  초고부가가치 제품인

EPO,G-CSF,INF-알파의 연구개발과 상용화도 급진전중입니다(전자공시 참조).


[3대 바이오원료의약품 가격]

1.EPO(적혈구생성촉진인자)~~~>1g에 6~7억원

2.G-CSF(호중구증가인자, 항암보조제)~~~>1g에 9억원

3. IFN-α(C형바이러스치료제)~~~>1g에 550만원



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