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새로운 줄기세포 발견!!

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게시글 정보

조회 336 2007/01/08 09:31

게시글 내용


자궁에서 태아를 보호하는 양막유체에서 새로운줄기세포발견 도덕적문제에서 매우자유롭다는 혁명적뉴스

또 다른 줄기세포 발견 !
 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Stem cells nearly as powerful as embryonic stem cells can be found in the amniotic fluid that protects babies in the womb, U.S. researchers reported on Sunday.
 Sun Jan 7, 2007 3:58pm ET
They used them to create muscle, bone, fat, blood vessel, nerve and liver cells in the laboratory and said they believe the placenta and amniotic fluid can provide one more source of the valued cells, which scientists hope will someday transform medicine.

They would also provide a non-controversial source of the cells, which are found with difficulty throughout the body and in days-old embryos.

Embryonic cells are considered the most malleable of the various types of stem cells, but these amniotic fluid-derived cells are a close second, said Dr. Anthony Atala, of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, who led the study.

Our hope is that these cells will provide a valuable resource for tissue repair and for engineered organs as well, Atala said in a statement.

I feel these cells are pluripotent like human embryonic stem cells.

Pluripotent means the cells can give rise to any type of tissue in the body -- blood, nerve, muscle, and so on. Adult stem cells, found in the tissues and blood of fetuses, babies and adults, are already partly differentiated and are less adaptable.



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