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게시글 정보

조회 1,994 2012/04/30 08:34

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약 일주일가량 매일 매일 오전, 오후, 종가 3차례에 나눠서

모아 나가시길 추천 드립니다.

송원산업 우리나라에서는 아무도 처주지 않지만


해외 글로벌 화학분야에서는 매우 알아주는 엄청난



판매가격 8% 인상한다고 그제 뉴스 떳네요...

Songwon announces global price increases for its range of Plastic Additives

Ulsan, Korea – April 27, 2012 – Songwon Industrial Group, a leading developer and manufacturer of polymer additives, will increase global prices of its Songnox® Antioxidants, Songlight® and Songsorb® UV Stabilizers, Songstab™ Acid Scavengers as well as of its range of aminic antioxidants by 8% effective on orders invoiced on or after June 1, 2012, or as contracts allow. This price increase is necessary to recover raw material cost increases and support continued investment in reliable supply.

전세계에서도 플라스틱 원재료인 폴리머 생산에 필수적으로 들어가는 친환경 첨가제 명품으로 알아주는 기업입니다.

Songwon doubles the capacity of its Songnox® OPS product range and focuses on automotive industry

Ulsan, Korea - April 18, 2012 - Songwon Industrial Group, the global number two supplier of polymer additives, extends its lead in the delivery of OPS (One Pack Systems) products by commissioning an additional 7.000 metric tons capacity.

Following the announcement in December of 2011 of the acquisition of Additives Technology Greiz (ATG) in Germany, making Songwon a leading supplier of OPS product solutions, the promised expansion of the current capacity is now confirmend and will be up and running as of the middle of this year.

“The new capacity doubles the current volume to 14.000 metric tons”, stated Jongho Park, Chairman and CEO of Songwon Industrial Group. “We made a promise when we acquired ATG to extend the capacity of our Songnox® OPS products up to 12.000 metric tons. However, the reaction we have had from our customers has led us to commit additional investment such that we can now deliver an additional 7.000 metric tons of product to meet their demands.”

The Songnox® High Heat OPS range offers customers a complete toolbox for designing tailor-made solutions to meet the requirements of longer service life and durability under harsh conditions for end-use applications such as in the automotive industry.

OPS products combine a wide variety of complex additives into an integrated dust free, pellet form, can be custom formulated and offer a number of key advantages such as uniformity and certified composition. OPS are also extremely cost effective as they reduce the actual dosage of individual additives due to more accurate feeding as well as simplified quality control procedures.

Jongho Park continued: “Songnox® OPS can make a significant difference to the quality and cost of the products that our customers manufacture, such that they are able to meet very stringent requirements which are stipulated by their customers. Songnox® OPS offers a combination of additives in a convenient and accurate form for safe and cost effective processing. This is ideal for the automotive industry where we are gaining ground and finding favour due to the high quality and performance that Songnox® High Heat OPS offers. Therefore China with its fast growing automotive industry represents an excellent opportunity for Songwon’s innovative solutions.

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